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Luukku Litandereiden hautakammioon. |
Litander syntyi vuonna 1704 ja oli kotoisin Huhtaan kylästä nykyisestä Humppilasta. Alun perin hänen sukunimensä oli Runqvist, mutta hän muutti sen Litanderiksi käydessään koulua Turussa. Ennen Seiliin tuloaan, Litander toimi muun muassa Ikaalisissa nimismiehenä ja metsätarkistajana. Jäädessään eläkkeelle vuonna 1769 hän muutti Rymättylään, missä hän kuoli vuonna 1772, 68-vuotiaana.
J. Vallankoski, "Seilin hospitaalin esimiehen Erik litanderin (1704 - 72) omaelämäkerta", Genos Suomen Sukututkimusseuran aikakauskirja, http://www.genealogia.fi/genos/32/32_35.htm, haettu 16.8.2013.
Lisa Svanfeldt-Winter
Dear Lisa,
VastaaPoistaI´m writing my diploma thesis in which I mention also Seili. Your blog is very helpful to me, but still, there are some unanswered question I would need answer for and I wonder if you could help me with them.
I´d like to ask you more about Erik Litander´s burial. Particularly when was the burial (at the time of his death in 1772?) and why there was a grave-hollow before this burial (´cos it´s written the tombs/hollows were bulit in 1756). Was it in advance for Litander, for his daughter (I didn´t find anythig closer about her) or just a grave for case? Or any other possibility?
I´ll be very grateful for any answer;-)
Thank you!
Eva R. Jarosova
e-mail erjarosova(at)gmail(dot)com
Dear Eva,
VastaaPoistaI'm very sorry that I answer you this late. I haven't been reading the blog after I quit my job as a guide at Seili in September. I cannot give you a sure answer to your question, but it might be that it was built when his wife, Catharina Tallqvist, died. According to the genealogist Rafael Olin, Catharina would have died in 1755 (http://gw.geneanet.org/rafaelo?lang=sv&p=margaretha&n=lithander). On the other hand, L.W. Fagerlund, who has written a thesis (in 1886!) on the leprosariums in Finland, wrote that Catharina died in 1775 (http://www.genealogia.fi/hakem/luettelo038cr.htm). The daughter of Erik and Catharina, Margaretha Lithander (sometimes the name is spelled with and sometimes without the h) died, according to Olin, in 1810.
During my stay in Seili, a person from the technical staff told me, thought, that there has been some debates about whether it at all was the Lithanders who were buried in the church of Seili.
I wish you luck with your thesis!