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A leper. Picture from Wikicommons. |
leprosy can be cured with antibiotics, but until the 20th century,
when the antibiotics were created, it was an incurable decease. After catching
the infection, it might take up to ten years before signs of the disease
emerge, and it is therefore hard to know from where the infection has come.
This, in addition to incurability and the belief that leprosy was a punishment
from God for a sin, made it a much feared disease.[2]
There are
two kinds of leprosy: the tuberculoid leprosy and the lepromatose leprosy. The
first goes straight to the nerves, and can paralyse parts of the body and blood
circulation is disturbed.[3]
The lepromatose leprosy causes skin deformations and bumps. Usually, leprosy
shows signs of both kinds. Since the nerves are out of order, the patient
easily hurts him- or herself, and the bumps in the skin get open. Since the
blood circulation does not work as well as it should, the wounds does not heal as they should. Infections and even necroses can be a result of this, which
has given the picture that lepers loose limbs, such as toes, fingers and noses.
Leprosy can be very painful; but is not in itself a deadly disease. Lepers
often live in conditions in which other diseases also spread, and the immunity system of the patient is lower than of a healthy person,
lepers often catch other diseases, which can be dangerous for them.[4]
In most of Europe , leprosy was most spread during the
Middle Ages. In Scandinavia , the epidemic was worst during the 17th century. It was,
thought, not an unknown disease before that either: Finland ’s first leper hospital, Saint George’s Hospital , was founded in Turku in the 14th century. In Sweden and Denmark this happened even earlier. Leprosy
was after the Middle Ages mostly a lower class disease. Wealthy people usually
had better nutrition and immunity,
and also hygiene got better during this time for them.[5]
In the 18th and 19th centuries most Finnish cases of
leprosy were on the coast, which gave reason to a theory that the infection
spread by fishes.[6]
In the
Bible Jesus cures a leper, which has given the interpretation that leprosy was God’s punishment for a sin. According to
some theories, not only the decease was contagious, but also the amorality. The
mix of religion and medicine was a result of antic and medieval translations
gone wrong.[7]
Richards explains the misunderstandings as follows:
In the
Bible is a vague description of different skin disorders, which in Hebrew was
called tsara’ ath. In Greek, this was
translated as lepra. The Greek also
had a diagnosis of what today is meant by leprosy, which they, because of the
skin disformations, called elephantiasis.
The Greek documents and research survived thanks to the Arab scientists, who
translated them into Arabic. The Arabs already had a disease named das fil, equivalent in name with
elephantiasis. Therefore, they translated the Greek elephantiasis to juzam. When the Arab documents were
translated into Latin, juzam was
translated to be lepra. This is how
the religious collection of skin disorders (the Greek lepra), and the
well-defined disease (the Greek elephantiasis) were considered one. The disease
today called elephantiasis, which is caused by tropical filarial worms, is the
same one that the Arabs called das fil.[8]
In Finland , the worst epidemic was over by the
18th century, and for example, a decision was made that no more
lepers were to be taken to the hospital of Seili .[9]
The decision was not changed when a new epidemic of leprosy came in the 19th
century.[10] The last leper hospital
in Finland was at Orivesi, and it was closed in 1953.[11]
Globally leprosy still is spread in areas, where people hardly gets the medical
treatments needed, such as in parts of India and Brazil .
Peter, The Medieval leper and his
northern heirs (Cambridge 1977).
Turunen, Sakari, Achté, Kalle, “Seilin hospitaali 1619 –
1962”, p. 4 – 46, Käytännön lääkäri
Vuorinen, Heikki S., Tauti(n)en
historia (Tampere 2002).
[1] Heikki S. Vuorinen, Tauti(n)en historia, (Tampere 2002),
pp. 153, 155.
[2] Vuorinen, p. 155.
[3] Vuorinen, p. 153.
[4] Vuorinen, p. 153 – 154.
[6] Vuorinen, p. 165.
[7] Vuorinen, p. 156.
[9] Sakari Turunen, Kalle
Achté, ”Seilin hospitaali 1619 – 1962” p. 4 - 46, Käytännön lääkäri 1/76, p. 20.
[10] Vuorinen, p. 166 – 168.
[11] Richards, p. 89.
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